Microsoft 365 PlansVTS Managed IT Services PlansGoogle Workspace Plans
Enhance Your Operations with Microsoft 365.
Choose from essential to advanced support plans tailored to streamline administration, enhance security, and optimise performance. Perfect for enterprises seeking robust, scalable Microsoft 365 solutions.
Microsoft 365 Admin & Support
What You’ll Get
M365 Administration Services
Proactive Monitoring
Security Management
License Management
User Management and Onboarding
Performance Optimisation
Get Started
Microsoft 365 Admin & Support
Including Device Support (Remote)
What You’ll Get
M365 Administration Services
Proactive Monitoring
Security Management
License Management
User Management and Onboarding
Performance Optimisation
Customisation and Configuration
Regular Reporting and Analytics
Migration Services
Consultation Services
Remote Support   (Hours 8:00am- 6:00pm)
User Management and Onboarding
Patch Management
Malware and Antivirus Management
Software Installation and Configuration
Performance Optimisation
User Account Management
Desktop Network Configuration
Helpdesk Services
Firewall Management
Get Started
Managed Services
At VTS IT, we are committed to providing top-tier managed IT services tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern enterprises. Our plans are designed to offer comprehensive support, from cloud services and cyber security to full IT project management and strategy consulting.
Fully Managed Services
What You’ll Get
Fully Managed IT Services
Cloud Services
Cybersecurity Services
Network Services
Data Backup and Disaster
Recovery Planning
Help Desk Support
(SaaS) Management
Communication Services
Endpoint Management
Consultation Services
Endpoint Management
Compliance and Governance
IT Consulting and Strategy
Hardware Procurement
& Management
Virtual CIO/CTO Services
Get Started
Fully Managed Services with Projects
What You’ll Get
Fully Managed IT Services
Cloud Services
Cybersecurity Services
Network Services
Data Backup and Disaster
Recovery Planning
Help Desk Support
(SaaS) Management
Communication Services
Endpoint Management
Consultation Services
Endpoint Management
Compliance and Governance
IT Consulting and Strategy
Hardware Procurement
& Management
Hardware Procurement
& Management
Virtual CIO/CTO Services
IT Project Management
IT Project Delivery
Get Started
Transform Your Workspace with Google Workspace.
Start with the essential or expand to advanced support services including proactive monitoring, license management, and performance optimisation. Ideal for any business aiming to maximise efficiency with Google Workspace.
Google Workspace Admin & Support
What You’ll Get
Google Workspace Administration Services
Proactive Monitoring
Security Management
License Management
User Management and Onboarding
Performance Optimisation
Get Started
Google Workspace Admin & Support Including Device Support (Remote)
What You’ll Get
Google Administration Services
Proactive Monitoring
Security Management
License Management
User Management and Onboarding
Performance Optimisation
Customisation and Configuration
Regular Reporting and Analytics
Migration Services
Consultation Services
Remote Support (Hours 8:00am- 6:00pm)
User Management and Onboarding
Patch Management
Malware and Antivirus Management
Software Installation and Configuration
Performance Optimisation
User Account Management
Desktop Network Configuration
Helpdesk Services
Firewall Management
Get Started